A Crude Fuzzer Experience on iOS ARM64

One of the hottest area in cyber security is fuzzing. I checked out “iOS Hacker’s Handbook”’s related section and tried to implement them. Yet I couldn’t directly implement the code on Aarch64 platform. So my exploration started.

Simple Assembly Shellcode Code on iOS ARM64

On our latest article we succeeded in preparing a “Hello World” assembly script. What about a shellcode script? Wouldn’t it be cool?

Simple Hello World Assembly Code on iOS ARM640

Although I first thought, it would be easy to run a simple hello world assembly application for iOS environment, it turned out to be pretty tough. There are so many sample codes with different styling and register calls yet none of them actually running.

Simple Socket Programming on iOS ARM64

From the perspective of exploitation, we usually seek ways of having interactive shell on target system. Yet I got curious about may it be possible to user socket programming to some extent in ARM environment to transfer files etc. So I started experimenting with this idea with a very simple socket code. This idea may become part of backdoor maybe. I experimented just as food for thought.

Simple Heap Overflow on iOS ARM64

On this tutorial we are going to write a very simple code vulnerable to heap overflow running on iOS. Here my test phone is iPhone8 and iOS 14.4.1 ARM64.