Simple Assembly Shellcode Code on iOS ARM64


Jailbroken iPhone with at least the following packages installed:


Warm Up:

First, we must understand the syscall value of execve on XNU platform:

As we can see, the syscall number for execve is 59.

Note: On Linux environment this number is 221, this is where it become a rabbit hole for me to have a running script.


Now we can switch to our shellcode application:

.global _main
 .align 2

     // execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL);
     adr    x0, sh            // x0 = "/bin/bash"
     eor    x1, x1, x1     // x1 = NULL
     eor    x2, x2, x2     // x2 = NULL
     mov    x16, 59       // x16 = execve
     svc    0

     .ascii "/bin/bash\0"

Let’s compile it:

clang shell.s -o shell -isysroot 


 -arch arm64 -mios-version-min=9.0

Knock out:

After compilation, transfer the “shell” binary into the iOS platform. After connecting to the phone via SSH, you should make it runnable and signed.

chmod +x hello

ldid -S hello

Now you can see the program in action:
