Simple Hello World Assembly Code on iOS ARM640

By trying many samples, finally I could achieve running an actual code. Let’s warm up.


Jailbroken iPhone with at least the following packages installed:


Warm Up:

First, let’s start writing a simple assembly function:


.global _main
.align 2

   // Set x0 to the memory address of foo.
   adrp x0, foo@PAGE
   add x0, x0, foo@PAGEOFF

   // Store 123 in foo.
   mov x1, 123
   str x1, [x0]

   // Load the contents of foo into x2.
   ldr x2, [x0]

   // Exit with a status code set to foo.
   mov x0, x2    
   mov x16, 1
   svc 0

foo: .zero 8

We can compile it with clang:

clang foo.s -o foo -isysroot 


-arch arm64 -mios-version-min=9.0

After compilation, transfer the “foo” binary into the iOS platform. After connecting to the phone via SSH, you should make it runnable and signed.

chmod +x foo

ldid -S foo

Let’s run it and see that runs without any error on iOS platform:


Now we can switch to our Hello World application:

.global _main
.align 2


   mov x0, 1
   mov x2, 14
   adrp x1, hello_txt@PAGE
   mov x16, 4
   svc 0

   mov x16, 1
   svc 0

hello_txt: .ascii "Hello, World!\n"

We can compile it with clang:

clang hello.s -o hello -isysroot 


-arch arm64 -mios-version-min=9.0

Knock out:

Note: Many resources show X8 register to trigger system calls yet we must use X16 for calling sys calls.

After compilation, transfer the “hello” binary into the iOS platform. After connecting to the phone via SSH, you should make it runnable and signed.

chmod +x hello

ldid -S hello

Now you can see the program in action:
